Big visit For Little Martin
This month we were blessed with some really great visits from the states! The first was from a wonderful group from South Carolina. These guys were so cool and kicked off an amazing time in Little Martin's life. They were led by their fearless leader Steve who proved to be the potty training seat building master of all times..... huge title to carry. He came with several colleagues which included an equally lovely physical therapist who came to work with Martin.
New friends
Though they were with us for a short week these guys got a whole lot done. We had decided over the summer that it was time to work on improving Little Martin's quality of life and logically this includes becoming free of poopy diapers. Steve got right to it and drew the most beautiful plans for a potty. He and some of the guys who work with us took a trip to our local "home depot" and gathered all the supplies need to start the build. The kids were so in to the potty build and watched Steve make potty magic from a pile of PVC in just under 2 days.
Potty plans for sale!!! Get them while supplies last!!!
Meanwhile in the bat cave, Miss Sue sat quietly with Martin and started her evaluation of his condition. At one point she reminded me of Marry Poppins when she piped out of my office with huge bag of never ending goodies to aide in some new therapies for Martin. I was so proud of our 2 nannies Maggalie and Eliane as they say close learning how to properly stimulate Martins muscles and stretch them out. Miss Sue spoke of sensory therapy to us and during her stay with us we took much pleasure in watching and learning how to better help Martin.
Martin and some of his new fun therapy toys
The other girls in Steve's crew were also a blast. They brought the funness to table and just enjoyed playing with the kids and taking in everything in Jacmel as well spending time with our family. In the evenings we enjoyed lovely quiet dinners where we had very pleasant conversations about our kids, our daily life, the future, and much more.
These guys were such a pleasure to host and we hope that Miss sue comes back to visit soon.
If you would like more information on how you can get more involved with Kay Angel and how to become A part of our team please drop us a line!!!!!
Lets give the potty tubing a scrub down before we assemble the pieces
We learned how to make an angel from a hyme book
Steve with potty support crew
Martin models his new potty!
Steve modes potty for the kids and thinks of next exciting project, HAHAHAHA!!!!!