Martin's new wheels
Martin is rolling in some fancy pantsy new wheels!!! Some times the universe throws you a break. For weeks we have had no car and have been making arrangements to get it fixed. I guess Martin was feeling a bit left out because within a couple weeks he managed to kill both of his wheel chairs. I panicked! As if i didn't have enough on our plate with a broken car. But thankfully Sergina did the thing I love and hate most about her and repeated the family montra
"HMM... That's ok. Everything will be fine, you always find a way....."
A few days later A friend handed me the keys to her car and said she was going out of town for a few weeks and she wanted us to babysit her car so we could get "stuff" done. A day or 2 after that I posted a on facebook that we desperately needed a new wheel chair for Martin and I needed to know where to buy one. with in a few mins a long time friend of our on face book said she had the cadillac of kids wheels chairs sitting in storage and would LOVE to give it to us. I drove over the mountains in our borrowed car to the next town over in Leogan and picked up this beautiful puppy. We are so grateful for all the amazing gifts that we have received and now martin is rolling in style both at home and a school.